
The book of abstracts can be downloaded here.


Slides & Video

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  • Transitivity and Ramsey properties of Lp spaces (Valentin Ferenczi) - Slides - Video I - Video II
  • Topological properties of dominated and pointwise convergence of sequences of measurable functions (Denny H. Leung) - Slides - Video I - Video II
  • Supports and approximation properties in Lipschitz-free spaces (Eva Pernecká) - Slides - Video I - Video II
  • Bibasic sequences in Banach lattices (Vladimir Troitsky) - Video I - Video II

Plenary lectures

  • A map for injectivity: cool sights, unmissable spots (Jesús M. F. Castillo) - Video
  • Ordered Banach spaces: Embeddings and disjointness preserving operators (Anke Kalauch) - Slides - Video
  • Grothendieck inequalities (Ondrej Kalenda) - Slides - Video
  • Fredholm operators on interpolation spaces (Mieczyslaw Mastylo) - Slides - Video
  • New constructions of closed ideals in $L(Lp)$, $1\leq p \neq 2 < \infty$ (Gideon Schechtman) - Slides - Video
  • On the bi-Lipschitz geometry of lamplighter graphs (Andras Zsak) - Video


  • Measures, supports, and extremality in Lipschitz-free spaces (Ramón José Aliaga) - Slides - Video
  • Ando-Choi-Effros liftings for regular maps between Banach lattices (Javier Alejandro Chávez Domínguez) - Slides - Video
  • On the disjoint structure of twisted sums (Wilson Cuellar Carrera) - Slides - Video
  • Inversion and extension of the finite Hilbert transform (Guillermo Curbera) - Slides - Video
  • Dense subspaces which admit smooth norms (Sheldon Dantas) - Slides
  • Banach spaces containing many complemented subspaces (Manuel González) - Slides - Video
  • Metric functionals on Banach spaces (Armando W. Gutiérrez ) - Video
  • Injective dual Banach spaces and operator ideals (Joaquín Gutiérrez del Álamo) - Slides
  • Surjective homomorphisms of algebras of operators on Banach spaces (Bence Horvath)
  • An update on the classification program of (maximal) ideals of algebras of operators on Banach spaces: the cases of Tsirelson and Schreier spaces (Tomasz Kania) - Slides
  • Algebra of convolution type operators with continuous data on Banach function spaces (Oleksiy Karlovych) - Slides
  • Approximation properties in Lipschitz-free spaces over groups (Pedro L. Kaufmann) - Slides - Video
  • A characterization of random variables (Paolo Leonetti) - Slides
  • Factorization of operators on Banach (function) spaces (Emiel Lorist) - Slides
  • Products of compact lines (Gonzalo Martínez Cervantes) - Slides - Video
  • Fundamental solutions for fractional differential equations inolving fractional powers of finite differences operators (Pedro J. Miana) - Slides
  • Fragmentation, amalgamation and twisted hilbert spaces (Daniel Morales González) - Slides - Video
  • Numerical index with respect to an operator (Alicia Quero de la Rosa) - Slides
  • Recent results on super weak compactness (Matías Raja) - Video
  • Some aspects of the lattice structure of $C_0(K;X)$ and $c_0(\Gamma)$ (Michael A. Rincón Villamizar) - Slides
  • On Banach spaces which are weak* sequentially dense in its bidual (José Rodríguez) - Slides - Video
  • The free Banach lattice generated by a lattice (José David Rodríguez Abellán) - Slides - Video
  • Banach-Stone type theorems for subspaces of continuous functions (Jakub Rondos) - Slides
  • Projections onto spaces of polynomials (Tommaso Russo) - Slides - Video
  • A $z^k$-invariant subspace without the wandering property (Daniel Seco) - Slides
  • A new weak Hilbert space (Jesís Suárez) - Slides - Video
  • On minimal and unbounded topologies (Mitchell Taylor ) - Slides - Video
  • Norm attaining operators of finite rank (Dirk Werner) - Slides - Video