JAE School of Mathematics 2018

The JAE School of Mathematics will take place from 18 to 29 June. It will provide a space for interaction between high-level researchers and students who enjoy doing mathematics in an ideal research environment.

This year’s programme will include the following courses:


There will also be a roundtable discussion (in Spanish) entitled "Primeros pasos hacia la investigación en matemáticas" with the following panel members:


Registration is now closed. For any questions, please contact the organizers.

Certificate of attendance: participants will obtain a certificate of attendance to the School if they have attended at least 2 courses (20 hours). Students who have obtained an “Intro-Severo Ochoa” grant must attend at least 3 courses (30 hours) in order to obtain a certificate.

In addition to attending the School, students may pursue a two-month research project by participating in the Introduction to Research ICMAT-Severo Ochoa programme.


Patricia Contreras (ICMAT-CSIC)

Carlos Palazuelos (ICMAT-UCM)



Schedule first week:

Schedule JAE 2018 Mon. 18/06 Tue. 19/06 Wed. 20/06 Thu. 21/06 Fri. 22/06
09:30 Yago Antolín Yago Antolín Yago Antolín Yago Antolín Yago Antolín
12:00 Daniel Peralta Gemma Huguet Gemma Huguet Gemma Huguet Gemma Huguet
14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
16:00 Gemma Huguet Daniel Peralta Daniel Peralta Daniel Peralta Daniel Peralta
18:30       Roundtable discussion  


Schedule second week:

Schedule JAE 2018 Mon. 25/06 Tue. 26/06 Wed. 27/06 Thu. 28/06 Fri. 29/06
09:30 Teresa Luque Teresa Luque Teresa Luque Teresa Luque Teresa Luque
12:00 Maribel González Maribel González Maribel González Maribel González Maribel González
14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
16:00 Miguel Domínguez Miguel Domínguez Miguel Domínguez Miguel Domínguez Miguel Domínguez





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