List Seminars

Leo Margolis (ICMAT-CSIC) & Alejandra Garrido (ICMAT-UAM)

External website: here

List of Group Theory Seminar by year:


Past Group Theory Seminar 2024

Cohomology and Carlson`s depth conjecture

Speaker:  Oihana Garayalde
Date:  Wednesday, 29 May - 11:30
Place:  Aula Gris 1, ICMAT

Context-free graphs and their transition groups

Speaker:  Davide Perego
Date:  Tuesday, 21 May - 11:30
Place:  Aula Gris 2, ICMAT

El grupo genérico numerable es acotadamente acíclico

Speaker:  Caterina Campagnolo
Date:  Tuesday, 07 May - 10:00
Place:  Aula Gris 2, ICMAT

Large scale geometry of graph 2-braid groups

Speaker:  Sangrok Oh
Date:  Tuesday, 30 April - 11:30
Place:  Aula Naranja, ICMAT

Just-infinite groups via iterated semidirect products

Speaker:  Eduard Schesler
Date:  Tuesday, 23 April - 11:30
Place:  Aula Gris 2, ICMAT

Cohen-Lyndon-type properties and asphericity in two and more dimensions

Speaker:  Macarena Arenas
Date:  Thursday, 04 April - 11:30
Place:  Aula Naranja, ICMAT

The space of left-preorders of a free product

Speaker:  Iván Chércoles
Date:  Tuesday, 19 March - 11:30
Place:  Aula Naranja, ICMAT

Covering the set of p-elements of a finite group

Speaker:  Juan Martínez Madrid
Date:  Tuesday, 12 March - 11:30
Place:  Aula Naranja, ICMAT

Graphs of group actions

Speaker:  Rögnvaldur G. Möller
Date:  Tuesday, 05 March - 11:30
Place:  Aula Naranja, ICMAT

Prosoluble subgroups of free profinite products

Speaker:  Pavel Zalesski
Date:  Tuesday, 27 February - 11:30
Place:  Aula Naranja, ICMAT

The local geometry of idempotent Schur multipliers

Speaker:  Eduardo Tablate
Date:  Tuesday, 20 February - 11:30
Place:  Aula Naranja, ICMAT

On extensions of number fields with given quadratic algebras and cohomology

Speaker:  Oussama Hamza
Date:  Tuesday, 13 February - 11:30
Place:  Aula Naranja, ICMAT

Path partial groups

Speaker:  Antonio Viruel
Date:  Tuesday, 06 February - 11:30
Place:  Aula Naranja, ICMAT

Coherence of one-relator groups and their group algebras

Speaker:  Andrei Jaikin
Date:  Tuesday, 30 January - 11:30
Place:  Aula Gris 2, ICMAT



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