European Research Council Grants

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The ICMAT has received the great majority of the Starting and Consolidator ERC funds awarded in Spain in the field of mathematics, and is the leading European institution for the number of grants in this area. So far, the ERC projects conducted by ICMAT researchers have received funding through the Starting, Consolidator and Advance actions.

Please, find below the list of the ERC projects at the ICMAT:



  • Alberto Enciso Carrasco (CoG). FLUSPEC. Analysis of geometry-driven phenomena in fluid mechanics, PDEs and spectral theory. More details.
  • David Pérez-García (CoG). GAPS. Spectral gaps in interacting quantum systems. More details.
  • Diego Córdoba Gazolaz (AdG). NONFLU. Non-local dynamics in incompressible fluids. More details.
  • Daniel Faraco and Keith Rogers (AdG). QUAMAP. Quasiconformal Methods in Analysis and Applications. More details.

    Past ERC Grants researchers ICMAT

  • Alberto Enciso Carrasco (StG). GEOFLUIDS. Geometric problems in PDEs with applications to fluid mechanics. More details.
  • Diego Córdoba Gazolaz (StG). CDSIF. Contour dynamics and singularities inincompressible flows. More details.
  • Javier Parcet (StG). CZOSQP. Noncommutative Calderón-Zygmund theory, operator space geometry and quantum probability. More details.
  • Keith Rogers (StG). RESTRICTION. Restriction of the Fourier transform with applications to the Schrödinger and wave equations. More details.
  • Daniel Faraco (StG). GFTIFD. Geometric function theory, inverse problems and fluid dynamics. More details.
  • Daniel Peralta (StG). INVARIANT. Invariant manifolds in dynamical systems and PDE. More details.
  • José M. Martell (CoG). HAPDEGMT. Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Geometric Measure Theory. More details.
  • Javier Fernández de Bobadilla (StG). TGASS. Topological, Geometric and Analytical Study of Singularities.
  • Javier Fernández de Bobadilla (CoG). NMST. New methods and interactions in Singularity Theory and Beyond.



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