Donaldson-Hitchin Laboratory – Members


– Simon Donaldson (Stony Brook and Imperial College London)

Simon Donaldson is Professor of Mathematics at the Simons Centre for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook. He is also Professor of Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London (UK).

Donaldson’s research interests lie in the area of mathematics bordering geometry, topology and analysis and having substantial connections with mathematical physics. His main contributions strengthened the links between mathematics and physics, and fall into gauge theory and 4-manifold topology, the differential geometry of holomorphic vector bundles, symplectic geometry, and more recently also into special holonomy, and the geometry of extremal metrics in Kähler geometry.

In 1986, Simon Donaldson was awarded the Fields Medal for his work in the geometry and topology of 4-dimensional manifolds, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. He was also the recipient of the LMS Whitehead Prize (1984), the Royal Medal of the Royal Society (1992), the Crafoord Prize of the Swedish Royal Academy of Science (1994), the Polya Prize of the London Mathematical Society (1999), the Frederic Esser Nemmers Prize in Mathematics (2008), the Shaw Prize in Mathematics (2009), and the King Faisal International Prize (2006), among other awards. In 2012, he was knighted and also became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society. In 2014, he was awarded a Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics.


– Nigel Hitchin (University of Oxford)

Nigel Hitchin is emeritus Savilian Professor of Geometry at University of Oxford and was previously the Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. He has been the President of the London Mathematical Society.

His main scientific contributions fall in the fields of differential geometry, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics. His discoveries at the interface of pure mathematics and physics have opened new areas of research in a substantial number of fields, including spin geometry, instanton and monopole equations, twistor theory, symplectic geometry of moduli spaces, integrables systems, Higgs bundles, Einstein metrics, hyperkähler geometry, Frobenius manifolds, Painlevé equations, special Lagrangian geometry and mirror symmetry, and generalized geometry.
These contributions have found wide applications, among others in the geometric Langlands programme, string theory and supergravity.

Among his many distinctions, Professor Hitchin was the recipient of the Shaw Prize 2016, the senior Berwick Prize (1990), the Sylvester Medal (2000), and the Pólya Prize (2002).

A conference was held in his honour on the occasion of his 70th birthday at ICMAT (Madrid), University of Oxford and the Center for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces in Aarhus University.

Professor Hitchin has previously been the chair of a Laboratory at the ICMAT, in the period 2013-2015.


ICMAT coordinator:

Oscar García-Prada (ICMAT-CSIC)

Oscar García-Prada is a CSIC Research Professor at Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT). His research interests lie in the interplay of differential and algebraic geometry with differential equations of theoretical physics, more concretely, in the study of moduli spaces and geometric structures. The moduli spaces considered involve objects such as vortices, solutions to general gauge equations, Higgs bundles and representations of surface groups and fundamental groups of higher dimensional Kähler manifolds.

Oscar García-Prada is the author of over 80 publications, including papers in journals such as Duke Math. Journal, J. Differential Geometry, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Topology and Math. Annalen.

He is a member of various international committees and serves as editor in several international journals. He has supervised more than 10 PhD theses as well as several postdoctoral researchers, and has been the Principal Investigator of around 40 national and international research grants.



Luis Álvarez-Cónsul (ICMAT-CSIC)

Tomás Gómez de Quiroga (ICMAT-CSIC)

Francisco Presas (ICMAT-CSIC)


Postdoctoral researcher:

Mario García-Fernández (ICMAT-CSIC)


PhD students:

David Alfaya Sánchez (ICMAT-UAM)

Lucas Branco (University of Oxford)

Luis Ángel Calvo Pascual (ICMAT-CSIC)

– Andoni de Arriba de la Hera (ICMAT)

Aleksander Doan (Stony Brook)

Manuel Jesús Pérez García (ICMAT-CSIC)


Associate members:

Steven Bradlow (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Xiuxiong Chen (Stony Brook)

Xenia de la Ossa (University of Oxford)

Peter Gothen (Universidade do Porto)

Alastair King (University of Bath)

Ignasi Mundet i Riera (Universitat de Barcelona)

Vicente Muñoz (UCM)

Song Sun (Stony Brook)

Richard Thomas (Imperial College London)



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