JAE School of Mathematics 2021

Cartel Escuela JAE 2021
The JAE School of Mathematics will take place from 21 June to 9 July, 2021. It will provide a space for interaction between high-level researchers and students who enjoy doing mathematics in an ideal research environment.

From now the inscription for the School has been opened. All students who wish to attend must register for free by filling out this form. Participation may be face-to-face for students receiving scholarships in the JAE Intro Severo Ochoa 2021 program and, while capacity permits, for students of master and doctoral programs. Students who do not enter these categories will be able to participate remotely, live.



21 to 25 June:

24 to 29 June:

28 June to 2 July:

5 to 9 July:


Schedule is also here.


Week 1 (21-25/06)

L 21/06 M 22/06 X 23/06 J 24/06 V 25/06
10:30-10:45 Inauguración
11:00-13:00 F. Lledó F. Lledó Ríos/Naveiro 1 F. Lledó F. Lledó
15:30-17:30 Ríos/Naveiro 1 Ríos/Naveiro 1 Ríos/Naveiro 1 Ríos/Naveiro 2 Ríos/Naveiro 2

Week 2 (28/06-02/07) – Changes: 29/06 10:30 Ríos/Naveiro

L 28/06 M 29/06 X 30/06 J 01/07 V 02/07
9:00-11:00 E. Gallardo
11:00-13:00 Ríos/Naveiro 2 Ríos/Naveiro 2
C. Vallejo C. Vallejo
15:00-17:00 E. Gallardo E. Gallardo E. Gallardo
17:30-19:30 C. Vallejo C. Vallejo

Week 3 (05-09/07) – Changes: 08/07 15:00 Medina

L 05/07 M 06/07 X 07/07 J 08/07 V 09/07
11:00-13:00 Presas/Sánchez Presas/Sánchez Presas/Sánchez Presas/Sánchez
15:30-17:30 Medina Medina Medina Medina

Registration closed: (From Friday June 4, until Sunday June 20 2021)



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