Science Week

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The Science and Technology Week is one of the leading events in social communication of science and technology held in Spain. Museums, Universities, research centers, technological parks and companies from all the Autonomous Communities organize exhibitions, courses, visits, workshops, round tables, excursions and talks, all with the purpose of bringing the general public into contact with the day-to-day activity of science and technology in its most striking and its least known aspects.

The Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT) has participated in this scheme since 2009 by programming conferences and dissemination workshops addressed to all types of audiences. The main objective of these activities has been to improve the social perception of mathematics by revealing its surprising, unexpected and amusing features as well as those most closely related to society in general.

Science Week (November 2023)

LINKS to previous annual editions celebrated:

Taller “Graffiti y Matemáticas”, realizado durante la Semana de la Ciencia 2009. Durante tres días, alumnos de ESO y Bachillerato de Madrid pintaron un graffiti con motivos matemáticos bajo la supervisión de un artista del graffiti de reconocido prestigio.

Science Week (November 2022)

Science Week (November 2021)

Science Week (November 2020)

Science Week (November 2019)

Science Week (November 2018)

Science Week (November 2017)

Science Week (November 2016)

Science Week (November 2015)

Science Week (November 2014)

Science Week (November 2013)

Science Week (November 2012)

Red de Cultura Científica FECYT

Miradas Matemáticas Collection

Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas


La sección del ICMAT en

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