Grant programme Severo Ochoa – ICMAT: Introduction to Research 2021

The Introduction to Research grant scheme is intended to give undergraduate students hands-on experience of mathematical research at ICMAT. Undergraduate students in the final two years of their degree and, exceptionally, Master students, may apply.

Grants will fund a research stay at ICMAT, during which participants will take part in the JAE School, and undertake a research project with an ICMAT researcher as tutor.

The grants will be awarded for a period of up to two months, which can be split into two stays. One of the stays must include the JAE School dates (21/06/2021 – 09/07/2021).

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year it is possible to participate in the Introduction to Research scheme both in person and online.

Grants cover:

  1. Accommodation at one of the university residences. Including breakfast and dinner (applies only to students from outside of Madrid region.)
  2. Travel to Madrid (up to two round trips from any Spanish city – applies only to students from outside of Madrid region.)
  3. Lunch tickets.

Topics proposed by ICMAT researchers.

Deadline: 12/04/2021

To apply, complete the folowing FORM (closed), where you will have to choose three topics in order of preference from the list proposed by ICMAT researchers (see above), you will also be asked to confirm availability to attend the JAE School and you will need to upload the following two required documents (please send all documents as pdf-files):

  • Academic transcript specifying average grade out of 10.
  • CV of at most 2 pages.


Call 2021

List of selected candidates Call 2021

Please, contact in case you have any questions concerning this call.




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