JAE School of Mathematics 2017

The JAE Mathematics School is organised by the ICMAT, and traditionally takes place between June and July. The school addresses bachelor and master students interested to learn about mathematics research and its applications. It is an opportunity for interaction between top-level researchers and motivated students who enjoy doing mathematics in an ideal and fruitful research environment.


How to apply:

Registration deadline: 31/05/2017

Requirement for obtaining a certificate:

Students: minimum 20 hours (2 courses).
Students with Severo Ochoa support: minimum 30 hours (3 courses).


Click here to Registration CLOSED

Click here to view the list of Participants


F. Lledó (ICMAT-UC3M)

D. Martínez (ICMAT-UC3M)




Schedule 1st week:

Schedule JAE 2017 Mon. 26/06 Tue. 27/06 Wed. 28/06 Thu. 29/06 Fri. 30/06
09:30-11:30 Carlos Palazuelos/David Pérez García Carlos Palazuelos/David Pérez García Carlos Palazuelos/David Pérez García Carlos Palazuelos/David Pérez García Carlos Palazuelos/David Pérez García
12:00-14:00 Tomás Gómez Tomás Gómez Tomás Gómez Tomás Gómez Tomás Gómez
14:00-16:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
16:00-18:00 Daniel Peralta Daniel Peralta Daniel Peralta Daniel Peralta Daniel Peralta


Schedule 2nd week:

Schedule JAE 2017 Mon. 03/07 Tue. 04/07 Wed. 05/07 Thu. 06/07 Fri. 07/07
09:30-11:30 Bernardo D’Auria Bernardo D’Auria Bernardo D’Auria Bernardo D’Auria Bernardo D’Auria
12:00-14:00 Olaf Post Olaf Post Olaf Post Olaf Post Olaf Post
14:00-16:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
16:00-18:00 Alejandro Luque Alejandro Luque Alejandro Luque Alejandro Luque Alejandro Luque




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