Registration open for BYMAT 2019 (Bringing Young Mathematicians Together)

11 February, 2019

Registration is open until 30th April

The second edition of BYMAT – Bringing Young Mathematicians Together is in full swing. After a resounding success last year, with nearly 200 participants from 19 different countries and more than 75 institutions, this year the conference will take place from 20th to 24th May at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, ICMAT. For the second year running, it will gather PhD students, master’s students and advanced undergraduates in mathematics and related areas.

Registration is open until 30th April. Participants wishing to give a talk can submit their abstract and/or poster proposal until 11th March. Thanks to the collaboration of the BBVA Foundation, participants from outside the region of Madrid may apply for travel and accommodation grants, also until 11th March.

The conference will feature seven plenary talks given by the following researchers:

  • Jan Maas (Institute of Science and Technology, Austria)
  • Marina Logares (University of Plymouth, Reino Unido)
  • Tong Tang (Hohai University, China)
  • Rafael Ramírez Uclés (Universidad de Granada, España)
  • Javier López Peña (University College London, Reino Unido)
  • Anabel Forte (Universitat de València, España)
  • Isabel Fernández (Universidad de Sevilla, España)


A new addition for this year, alongside the plenary talks and contributed talks, is the poster session. The programme will also include talks and workshops about career options, mathematics communication and outreach. Participants will be introduced to careers outside academia, as well as to the journalistic communication of mathematical research.

BYMAT, an international network of young mathematicians.

The First BYMAT Conference, which took place from 7th to 9th May 2018 at ICMAT, gathered nearly 200 young researchers in mathematics from 19 different countries and 79 institutions. It was an unexpected success for the organisers, David Alfaya, Patricia Contreras Tejada, Ángela Capel, Roi Naveiro and Jesús Ocáriz, all PhD students at ICMAT, since “never before had so many international, young researchers in mathematics gathered in one place”.

The conference was initially meant to offer young researchers a chance to interact and a welcoming space to share their research, questions and opinions about the future of mathematics, in both academia and industry.

This will be the second meeting of the BYMAT Network, which was created to support young mathematicians in their professional development in and outside academia and to strengthen the links between mathematics and society.

More info


BYMAT News 2018

BYMAT Web 2018

Twitter: @bymatConference



