Grant programme Severo Ochoa – ICMAT: Introduction to Research 2019

These grants are directed at undergraduates in their final two years. Master’s students may exceptionally be considered. The grants aim to introduce students to ICMAT’s research lines by pursuing a short research project at the Institute and participating in the JAE School of Mathematics that will take place at ICMAT in summer 2019. Awardees are each assigned an ICMAT researcher as a tutor.Grants are awarded for two months, which can be divided into two stays. One of these stays must include the JAE School dates.In case of the applicant could not complete the necessary hours of attendance at the JAE School by academic reasons, they can complete them by attending the “Summer School on Fluids Mechanics“.

Grants cover:

  1. Accommodation at one of the university residences. Incl. breakfast and dinner. (Applies only to students of universities outside of the region of Madrid.)
  2. Lunch tickets.
  3. Travel to Madrid (up to two round trips from any Spanish city – applies only to students of universities outside of the region of Madrid).

To apply, email with the following required documents (please send all documents as pdf-files).

  • Completed applications form (download here). You have to choose three topics, in order of interest, from the list proposed by ICMAT researchers (see above). You will also be asked to confirm your availability to attend the JAE School of Mathematics that will take place 10-22 June 2019 at ICMAT. (Please use the following name for the file: “lastname1_lastname2_name_solicitud.pdf”)
  • Academic transcript. Please specify average grade (out of 10). (Please use the following name for the file: “lastname1_lastname2_name_expediente.pdf”).
  • CV (at most 2 pages). (Please use the following name for the file: “lastname1_lastname2_name_cv.pdf”).


Deadline: 2019/03/03


Call 2019


List of selected candidates Call 2019

Candidate Institution Advisor Topic
1 José Polo Gómez UCM FERNANDO LLEDÓ Grupoids
2 Gonzalo Cao Labora Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya JAVIER RAMOS Estimaciones Multilineales del Operador de Restricción de la Transformada de Fourier
3 Gerrard Orriols Giménez Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ALBERTO ENCISO Autovalores, operadores de Schrödinger y localización inversa
4 Javier Peñafiel Tomás UCM DANIEL PERALTA Topología y mecánica de fluidos
5 Joaquín Domínguez de Tena UCM ANÍBAL RODRÍGUEZ Series de Fourier, Transformada de Fourier y Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales
6 Pablo Hidalgo Palencia UCM MANUEL DE LEÓN Introducción a sistemas hamiltonianos
7 Daniel Isaac Puignau Chacón UAM DMITRY YAKUBOVICH Matrices que casi conmutan y cómo corregirlas para que conmuten
8 Rodrigo Casado Noguerales UCM ANÍBAL RODRÍGUEZ Series de Fourier, Transformada de Fourier y Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales
9 Diego Chicharro Gordo UCM DANIEL MACÍAS La conjetura de Rubin-Sartk
10 Gabriel Martínez de Cestafe Pumares Universidad de Santiago de Compostela YAGO ANTOLÍN El grupo de automorfismos del grupo libre
11 Aitor Mairena Díaz Universidad de Santiago de Compostela PEDRO TRADACETE Operadores positivos y subespacios invariantes
12 Norberto Clemente Delgado UCM DANIEL SECO Espacios invariantes en análisis complejo
13 Carles Falcó i Gandia Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona RENUNCIA
14 Alejandro Fernández Jiménez UAM DIEGO CÓRDOBA Fluidos Incompresibles
15 Alberto Angurel Andrés UCM DANIEL MACÍAS Estructura de Galois de grupos de Mordell-Weil
16 David Cueto Noval Universidad de Oviedo DIEGO CÓRDOBA Fluidos Incompresibles
17 Ismael Morales López UAM DANIEL CASAZZA ¿Qué hay de nuevo sobre los problemas del milenio? Proyecto “Elliptic Units”
18 Andrés Ibañez Nuñez Universidad de Zaragoza DANIEL CASAZZA ¿Qué hay de nuevo sobre los problemas del milenio?
19 Eduardo Tablate Vila UAM JESUS MUNARRIZ Desigualdades , maximales y otros tipos
21 Eki González García Universidad del País Vasco PEDRO TRADACETE Retículos de Banach y topologías débiles.
22 Enric Florit Simón Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya LEONARDO COLOMBO Resultados analíticos globales para la existencia de extremo en problemas variacionales que evitan las colisiones para sistemas multiagentes en grupos de Lie compactos
23 Daniel Sánchez Simón del Pino UCM MANUEL DE LEÓN Geometría Material
24 Álvaro González Hernández Universidad de Salamanca ALBERTO ENCISO Formación de singularidades en variaciones de la ecuación 3D Navier-Stokes
25 Roberto Téllez Domínguez UAM DANIEL SECO Funciones cíclicas
26 Sara Abentin de Gregorio UCM JEZABEL CURBELO GFD – Dinámica de fluidos geofísicos
27 Víctor Olmos Prieto UCM JESUS MUNARRIZ Polinomios de Bernstein y generalizaciones





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