FPI Predoctoral positions at ICMAT

Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, this Programme offers contracts covering 48-month period for the training of university graduates who wish to do a PhD at R+D Centers in subjects associated with specific R+D projects financed through the Ministry of Science and Innovation R+D+i State Plan, or in R+D projects conducted at Severo Ochoa Units or Centers of Excellence. Furthermore, it also funds doctoral course tuition fees and stays at other R+D Centers.

12/01/2023 – 26/01/2023

Applications are invited for the following predoctoral position at the Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT, Madrid, Spain)

Predoctoral position associated to Severo Ochoa Excellence Programme, Principal researcher: Diego Córdoba Gazolaz.

  1. Referencia: CEX2019-000904-S-20-1 “Ecuaciones en derivadas parciales asociada a la dinámica de fluidos”, asociada al Laboratorio de Charles Fefferman, IP: Diego Córdoba Gazolaz
  2. Referencia: CEX2019-000904-S-20-2 “Geometría de espacios de moduli de fibrados de Higgs y formas reales”, asociada al Laboratorio de Nigel Hitchin – Ngô Bảo Châu, coordinador ICMAT: Oscar García Prada, IP: Diego Córdoba Gazolaz
  3. Referencia: CEX2019-000904-S-20-3 “Matemática Aplicada”, IP: Diego Córdoba Gazolaz
  4. Referencia: CEX2019-000904-S-20-4 “Análisis Matemático”, IP: Diego Córdoba Gazolaz
  5. Referencia: CEX2019-000904-S-20-5 “Geometría y Álgebra”, IP: Diego Córdoba Gazolaz

Predoctoral position associated to Generation of Knowledge:

  1. Referencia: PID2021-124195NB-C32 “Análisis variacional y geometría aplicada a problemas inversos y mecánica”, IP: Daniel Faraco Hurtado y Luis Guijarro Santamaria

Our Institute is recognized as a “Severo-Ochoa” Centre of Excellence and is located in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Campus (UAM).

The position is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and covers a 4-year period.

The programme is open to students of any nationality. If you are interested in this call and require technical/administrative assistance, please send your questions to predoc@icmat.es with the subject Predoctoral Contracts, or call +34 91 2999708 / +34 91 2999705  for help.


More information:

Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores/as 2022 | Agencia Estatal de Investigación (aei.gob.es),



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