Workshop on Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential  
Equations and Geometric Measure Theory  

ICMAT, Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid   

January 12 - 16, 2015   

Poster of Workshop.
Click to download.


Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas
C/ Nicolás Cabrera, 13-15
  Campus Cantoblanco - UAM
  28049 Madrid, Spain
  Telephone: +34 91 2999700


Main Speakers


Download a PDF file with all the abstracts here


Speaker Title
M. Akman (ICMAT) Hausdorff dimension of \(p\)-harmonic measure. [slides]
P. Auscher (U. Paris-Sud) Representation for weak solutions of BVP. [slides]
L. Chen (ICMAT) Quasi Riesz transforms, Hardy spaces and generalized sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimates. [slides]
M. Dindos (U. Edinburgh) The Dirichlet boundary problem for second order parabolic operators satisfying Carleson condition. [slides]
S. Hofmann (U. Missouri) Quantitative Rectifiability and boundary behavior of harmonic functions.
S. Mayboroda (U. Minnesota) Boundary value problems for elliptic operators with real non-symmetric coeficients. [slides]
D. Mitrea (U. Missouri) Characterizing Lyapunov Domains via Riesz Transforms on Hölder Spaces. [slides]
I. Mitrea (Temple U.) Szegö Projections and Kerzman-Stein Formulas. [slides]
M. Mitrea (U. Missouri) Calderón-Zygmund theory and boundary problems on Riemannian manifolds.
K. Nyström (Uppsala U) Quasi-linear PDEs and low-dimensional sets.
C. Rios (U. Calgary) Off-diagonal estimates and weighted elliptic operators. [slides]
X. Tolsa (ICREA-UAB) Rectifiability, the Jones' \(\beta\) coefficients, and densities. [slides]
T. Toro (U. Washington) Wasserstein Distance and the Rectiability of Doubling Measures.





Download a PDF file with Schedule here


Monday 12 Tuesday 13 Wednesday 14 Thursday 15
10:00-11:00 P. Auscher M. Dindos M. Akman L. Chen
11:00-11:30 Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee
11:30-12:30 S. Mayboroda S. Hofmann D. Mitrea K. Nyström
12:30-13:30 X. Tolsa I. Mitrea T. Toro C. Rios
Alvarado López-Sánchez
M. Mitrea
Prisuelos Arrizabalaga
Cavero Silvestre
Bortz Conde
16:20-16:45 Coffee
Azzam Gallarati
Mas Tolksdorf
Le Damián
18:30 Reception
20:00 Dinner


Download a PDF file with all the abstracts here


 Organizing Committee:


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