Workshop on Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential  
Equations and Geometric Measure Theory  

ICMAT, Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid   

January 12 - 16, 2015   

Poster of Workshop.
Click to download.


Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas
C/ Nicolás Cabrera, 13-15
  Campus Cantoblanco - UAM
  28049 Madrid, Spain
  Telephone: +34 91 2999700


Resgistration Fee

The Registration Fee is 100 €. It includes the lunch from Monday to Friday as well as the conference dinner. You will be contacted by email after registering with instructions to complete the payment of the registration fee.

Registration deadline: December 14, 2014.



There will be a small number of grants for the Workshop, mainly intended for graduate students, to cover the registration fee, accommodation and maybe some local expenses. To apply send an email to with the Subject "Workshop HAPDEGMT Grants"

The deadline to apply is October 23. Before November 1, all applicants will receive an e-mail from the Organizing Committee with the final decision.
Those participants obtaining a grant will be sharing a room.


Short Talks

Some sessions of short talks will be scheduled to accommodate those participants wishing to present their own recent results. If you wish to give a short talk please use this template tex file and send an email to with the Subject "Workshop HAPDEGMT Short-talks"

The email should contain a TeX and the corresponding PDF file.

The deadline to apply is October 23. The final list of short talks will be decided during November.



Recommended hotels and residences.

Residencia de Estudiantes CSIC
Pinar, 21-23 Madrid 28006 (Spain)
Phone: [+34] 91 563 64 11
Fax: [+34] 91 564 38 90

NH Zurbano
Zurbano, 79-81. 28003 Madrid (Spain)
Phone: [+34] 91 441 45 00

Hotel Hesperia Emperatriz
López de Hoyos, 4. 28006 Madrid (Spain
Tel. +34 91 5638088
Reservations: +34 91 398 46 61



 Organizing Committee:


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