Grant Severo Ochoa-CSIC for master students 2021-2022

The ICMAT issue a call for grants aimed at students currently enrolled in master courses who are interested in pursuing a career in research. These grants will include student collaboration with ICMAT researchers to be conducted in compatibility with their master studies. The aim of the programme is to make the professional opportunities available at the Institute known to university students. Applications can be made from the date of publication in the BOE until June 15th 2021 (both inclusive).

A total of seven grants will be offered, each one lasting over a ten-month period during the 2021-2022 academic year. Each grant will consist of a total of 10,000 euros, split into ten monthly payments, and will also include an additional amount of up to 4,000 euros to cover tuition fees of the official Master course in the area of Mathematics in which students are enrolled during the period covered by the grant.

Application requirements:

  • Applicants must have completed their degree courses in the 2019-2020 academic year or later in Sciences and neither be in possession of nor in the legal position of obtaining a PhD qualification.
  • Must be enrolled in or have registered for an official Master course in Mathematics during the 2021-2022 academic year at the Autonomous University of Madrid, the Complutense University of Madrid or the Carlos III University of Madrid, in collaboration with the ICMAT
  • On acceptance of the grant by the beneficiary, present proof of an average mark in a degree on a decimal scale of 0-10 and with 2 decimal points, equal to or higher than 8.5.
  • Applicants who are about to obtain their degree in the 2020-2021 academic year must present proof of these average grades for the credits obtained up to the closing date for applications
  • Not having been a beneficiary of an introductory research grant within JAE programme, in previous calls.

Each candidate must choose a member of the ICMAT research staff from the list available on the Faculty ICMAT website, and should this member not be available another will be assigned as deemed appropriate.

This researcher will be the supervisor of the grant student’s Master thesis. Beneficiaries of the grants will spend an average of 25 hours per week on this collaboration task, under the supervision of the researcher assigned for that purpose.

This researcher training grants are fully funded by the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia-Centros de Excelencia Severo Ochoa and Unidades de Excelencia María de Maeztu.

More information about the call in this link:



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