Stephen Wiggins Publications

  1. K. Ide and S. Wiggins, Transport induced by mean-eddy interaction: I. Theory, and relation to Lagrangian lobe dynamics. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 20, 516 – 535 (2015).
  2. K. Ide and S. Wiggins, Transport induced by mean-eddy interaction: II. Analysis of transport processes. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 20, 794–806 (2015).
  3. C. Mendoza, A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins. Lagrangian Descriptors and the Assesment of the Predictive Capacity of Oceanic Data Sets. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 21 (2014) 677-689.
  4. S. Wiggins, A. M Mancho. Barriers to tranport in aperiodically time-dependent two dimensional velocity fields: Nekhoroshev’s Theorem and ‘Nearly Invariant’ Tori. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 21 (2014) 165-185.
  5. Amir E. BozorgMagham, Shane D. Ross Atmospheric Lagrangian coherent structures considering unresolved turbulence and forecast uncertainty. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat  (2014)
  6. Binbin Lin , Shane D. Ross, Aaron J. Prussin II , David G. Schmale III. Seasonal associations and atmospheric transport distances of fungi in the genus Fusarium collected with unmanned aerial vehicles and ground-based sampling devices.  Atmospheric Environment 94 (2014) 385-391
  7. A. Fortunati and S. Wiggins, Normal form and Nekhoroshev stability for nearly integrable hamiltonian systems with unconditionally slow aperiodic time dependence, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 19 (2014) 363-373.
  8. J. Curbelo, J. M. López, A. M. Mancho, F. Marqués. Confined rotating convection with large Prandtl number: Centrifugal effects on wall modes. Physical Review E. 89 (1) 013019 (2014).
  9. J. Curbelo, A. M. Mancho. Spectral numerical schemes for time-dependent convection with viscosity dependent on temperature.  Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 19 (2014) 538-553.
  10. J. Curbelo, A. M. Mancho. Symmetry and plate-like convection in fluids with temperature-dependent viscosity. Physics of Fluids 26, 016602.  (2014).
  11. de la Cámara, R. Mechoso, A. M. Mancho, E. Serrano, K. Ide. Quasi-horizontal transport within the Antarctic polar night vortex: Rossby wave breaking evidence and Lagrangian structures. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70 (2013) 2982-3001.
  12. J. Curbelo, A. M. Mancho. Bifurcations and dynamics in convection with temperature-dependent viscosity in the presence of the O(2) symmetry. Physical Review E. 88 (4) (2013) 043005.
  13. A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins, J. Curbelo, C. Mendoza. Lagrangian Descriptors: A Method for Revealing Phase Space Structures of General Time Dependent Dynamical Systems.  Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 18 (2013) 3530-3557.
  14. de la Cámara, A. M. Mancho, K. Ide, R. Mechoso, E. Serrano. Routes of Transport across the Antarctic Polar Vortex in the Southern Spring. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 69 (2012) 741-752.
  15. A. Fortunati and S. Wiggins, Persistence of Diophantine Flows for Quadratic Nearly Integrable Hamiltonians under Slowly Decaying Aperiodic Time Dependence, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 19(5), 586-600 (2014).
  16. Eds. A. M. Mancho, E. Hernández-García, C. López, A. Turiel, S. Wiggins, J. Duan, and U. Feudel. Special Issue “Nonlinear dynamics in oceanic and atmospheric flows: theory and observations”. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics. (2013).
  17. C. Lopesino, F. Balibrea, S. Wiggins, A.M. Mancho. Lagrangian Descriptors for Two Dimensional, Area Preserving Autonomous and Nonautonomous Maps.  Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 27 (1-3) (2015) 40-51.
  18. Ana M. Mancho. Numerical studies on the self-similar collapse of the alpha-patches problem. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 26 (1-3) (2015) 152-166.
  19. A. M. Mancho, J. Curbelo, S. Wiggins, V.J. García-Garrido, C. Mendoza. Beautiful Geometries Underlying Ocean Nonlinear Processes. Chapter in the book A Voyage Through Scales. Eds. Günter Blöschl, Hans Thybo, Hubert Savenije, Lois Lammerhuber. Publishers European Geophysical Union & Edition Lammerhuber (2015).
  20. K. Ide, S. Wiggins. The role of variability in transport for large-scale flow dynamics. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 29 (2015) 459-481.
  21. A. Fortunati, S. Wiggins. A Kolmogorov Theorem for Nearly Integrable Poisson Systems with Asymptotically Decaying Time-dependent Perturbation. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 20 (2015) 476-485.
  22. F. Balibrea-Iniesta, C. Lopesino, S. Wiggins, A. M. Mancho. Chaotic Dynamics in Nonautonomous Maps: Application to the Nonautomous Henon Map. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25 (2015).
  23. V. J. Garcia-Garrido, A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins, C. Mendoza. A dynamical systems approach to the surface search for debris associated with the disappearance of flight MH370. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 22 (6) (2015) 701-712.
  24. C. Lopesino, F. Balibrea-Iniesta, S. Wiggins, A. M. Mancho. The Chaotic Saddle in the Lozi Map, Autonomous and Nonautonomous Versions. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25 (2015) 1550184-1-18



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