Round table: Mathematics and Music

Initiative for Mathematics and the Arts: Round table: "Mathematics and Music"

Date: September 26, 2013

Place: Residencia de Estudiantes, c/ Pinar, 21-23. 28006 Madrid (Spain)

Speakers: Daniel Azagra (UCM and ICMAT), Pilar Bayer (University of Barcelona), Óscar García Prada (ICMAT) and David Wright (University of Washington, USA)


Does musical creation have relationship with mathematics? What links exist between these two disciplines? Mathematical structures? Allow us to appreciate details beyond what we hear? Has there been mathematicians who have also had a reputation as musicians? How music sounds made ​​by a mathematician? These and other questions will arise in a panel discussion in which several mathematicians, who spend part of his time to music, reflect this experience.

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Miradas Matemáticas Collection

Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas


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