Concert: “Love, Melancholia and Torment”

Initiative for Mathematics and the Arts: Concert: “Love, Melancholia and Torment”

Date: September 29, 2013

Place: Residencia de Estudiantes, c/ Pinar, 21-23 Madrid (Spain)

Performers: Óscar García-Prada (ICMAT) and Din Ghani.

Institute of Mathematical Sciences researcher, Oscar García-Prada, countertenor, and Din Ghani, lute, perform the work “Love, Melancholia and Torment”.

This concert, which consists of a miscellany from various composers and periods on the theme of love, melancholia and torment, opens with “Come Again” by John Dowland, which takes a light-hearted look at the anguish caused by an unattainable love. It also includes early popular folk songs, pieces by Spanish composers who wrote for the viola, the new musical styles that emerged during the early Italian baroque and works by French baroque composers such as Boesset and Ballard, as well as Christmas carols, all of which provides a sample of the different musical approaches to romantic love and its travails.

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