Initiative for Mathematics and the Arts

The Iniciativa por las Matemáticas y las Artes (IMA – Initiative for Mathematics and the Arts) is a platform from the Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT) Mathematical Culture Division, created with the aim of promoting joint activities between mathematics and the arts.

Coming Events

  • TBA

Past events

The main aims of the project are as follows:

  • To promote activities linking mathematics with the arts (painting, architecture, music, literature cinema, theatre, photography, etc.).
  • To explore the mathematics of art and its relation with the art of mathematics.
  • To encourage the integration of the sciences with the arts and the humanities, both in the life and education of people, particularly mathematicians.
  • To stimulate artistic and mathematical creativity.
  • To present scientific and mathematical models different from the usual stereotypes: the mathematician can be and in many cases is a creative individual with an artistic sensibility and cultural and social concerns that extend beyond his or her field of work.
  • To provide young people and the general public with attractive content to draw them closer to mathematics by alternative means. Some of these proposals will be direct and interactive, for example, workshops in science museums.
  • To integrate mathematics as part of culture itself by means of talks on mathematics held in museums and art centers.

In order to achieve these aims, regular events in collaboration with other institutes and spaces (museums, concert halls, Residencia de Estudiantes, cultural centers, etc.) will be organized in which mathematics will figure as an integral part of culture, as a creative activity in itself and as an inspiration for other forms of artistic expression as well as a tool for the attainment and analysis of these endeavors. Talks and round-table discussions will be scheduled on the connections between mathematics and the arts (painting, architecture, music, literature cinema, theatre, photography, etc.), as well as concerts, expositions and displays in which mathematicians can present their creative work and explain the relations between artistic creativity and mathematics.

In short, the basic aim of this initiative is to promote the integration of the sciences with the humanities and the arts, as well as bringing the aesthetic enjoyment of mathematics and the arts closer to a broad cross-section of the public.

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