Graffiti and Maths: Fluid Mathematics

‘Fluid Mathematics’ refers to an activity held within the celebration of the International Year of Mathematics of Planet Earth as part of the Mathematics of Planet Earth Week. It is organized by the Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT) and funded through the ICMAT Severo Ochoa Program and in collaboration with the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, the Vicepresidencia de Cultura Científica del CSIC and the company Muro Cultural.

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‘Fluid Mathematics’ is an exhibition under construction in which a graffiti will be designed in situ with motifs drawn from fluid mechanics, the field of mathematics used to describe the movement and structure of fluids. The graffiti will be done by secondary-school, baccalaureate and higher educational students from the Community of Madrid after prior selection through a competition of designs submitted.

In addition to the selected graffiti in construction based on motifs coming from fluid mechanics, this activity will also consist of a series of posters and a painting workshop. A competition will be held before the workshop to select the secondary-school, baccalaureate and higher educational students from the Community of Madrid who will make the graffiti.

Red de Cultura Científica FECYT

Miradas Matemáticas Collection

Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas


La sección del ICMAT en

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