JAE School of Mathematics 2022

The JAE School of Mathematics will take place from 27 June to 8 July. It will provide a space for interaction between high-level researchers and students who enjoy doing mathematics in an ideal research environment.



Format: 6 courses of 6 hours each, 7 presentations of 1 hour of introduction to other lines of research, 1 round table “First steps in mathematical research”.

Registration: click here (deadline: june 5, 2022).

Certificate of attendance: participants will obtain a certificate of attendance to the School if they have attended at least 3 courses and 3 presentations. Students who have obtained an “Intro-Severo Ochoa” grant must attend at least 4 courses and 6 presentations in order to obtain a certificate.

In addition to attending the School, students may pursue a two-month research project by participating in the Introduction to Research ICMAT-Severo Ochoa programme.


Please contact introso2022@icmat.es in case you have any questions regarding the JAE School of Mathematics 2022.


Week 1:

  • Ana Bravo (ICMAT-UAM): Invariantes de singularidades en geometría algebraica
  • Marco Castrillón (UCM): Geometría de fibrados y aplicaciones a teorías gauge
  • Nuno Freitas (ICMAT-CSIC): An introduction to elliptic curves and Fermat’s Last Theorem

Week 2:

  • Diego Córdoba & Luis Martínez Zoroa (ICMAT-CSIC): Singularities vs. Global existence for incompressible fluids
  • Chema Martell & Pablo Hidalgo (ICMAT-CSIC): Análisis armónico y ecuaciones en derivadas parciales
  • Montse Casals (UPV-EHU): Teoría de grupos infinitos: álgebra y geometría


  • María Barbero (UPM): ¿Qué es la teoría de control geométrico?
  • Daniel Faraco (UAM-ICMAT): Geometría y análisis con aplicaciones a problemas inversos y mecánica de sólidos y fluidos
  • Mar González (UAM): EDPs no-lineales: difusión, geometría y aplicaciones
  • Angelo Lucia (UCM): Procesos de Markov Cuánticos: teoría y aplicaciones a la Información Cuántica
  • Teresa Luque (UCM): Teoría de pesos. Una visión general y algunas aplicaciones
  • Beatriz Pascual (UC3M): Variedades Algebraicas en Biología / Algebraic Varieties in Biology
  • David Ríos (ICMAT): Adversarial machine learning: A gentle introduction

Round table: First steps in mathematical research

  • Directores de tesis:
    • Ana Bravo (UAM-ICMAT)
    • Fernando Lledó (UC3M-ICMAT)
  • Estudiantes de doctorado:
    • Celia del Buey (UAM-ICMAT>
    • Alba García (CSIC-ICMAT)
    • Eduardo Tablate (CSIC-ICMAT)
    • Roberto Téllez (CSIC-ICMAT)




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