ICMAT Newsletter – Twentieth Number

The ICMAT Newsletter #20 corresponds to the second semester 2020.

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Table of contents:

  1. Editorial: “More science”, José María Martell (director of the ICMAT)
  2. Report: “Mathematics coming out of lockdown”
  3. Interview: Manuel del Pino (University of Bath, UK): “For me, mathematics means beauty and harmony”
  4. Special report: May 12, Celebration of Women in Mathematics Day
  5. Portrait: Alexandre Anahori (ICMAT): “I think it’s almost mystical that you can predict the future with reasoning”
  6. She Does Maths: Evelyne Miot (Institut Fourier, CNRS, y Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
  7. Scientific review: “Resolution of non-local equations”
  8. Scientific review: “Fourier series in BMO with number theoretical implications”
  9. Tell me about your thesis: Ángela Capel Cuevas (Technical University of Munich and Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology)
  10. ICMAT News:
    • Institutional:
  • The ICMAT will receive the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation for the third time in a row
  • José María Martell, new director of the ICMAT
  • More than 2,000 people ask for Mathematics to be a compulsory subject in Baccalaureate courses
  • The ICMAT to collaborate in the third edition of the STEM MatEsElla leadership programme


  • Awards:
  • María Ángeles García Ferrero, chosen as the best national mathematician in 2019
  • Diego Alonso Orán, one of the winners of the RSME and BBVA Foundation Vicent Caselles Prizes
  • Jezabel Curbelo Hernández and Rafael Granero Belinchón receive the SeMa Antonio Valle Prize for young researchers in the field of applied mathematics


  • Results:
  • Algorithms to protect self-driving cars against hoaxes and to detect fake news
  • The ICMAT awarded two Marie Curie grants


  • Scientific activities:
  • Expert in number theory, Samir Siksek (University of Warwick), gives a UAM-ICMAT colloquium
  • International experts on financial mathematics debate crisis management
  • Enrollment open to the ICMAT JAE School of introduction to mathematical research


  • Outreach:
  • ICMAT researcher Leonardo Colombo participates in the “We’re scientists. Get us out of here!” competition
  • June 28th, LGTBIQ+ Pride International Day
  • Live broadcasts on Instagram of meetings held to discuss university education in mathematics
  • Mathematical education, a first-order challenge
  • Start of the new season of the outreach series “Mathematical Revolutions

The ICMAT joins the activities for February 11th, 2020 International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Pequeño Instituto de Matemáticas


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