WOMAT is an association for women and minorities in mathematics. We organise monthly meetings among women mathematicians, hold talks by women or members of minorities who work in mathematics and have experience in diversity and inclusion, and raise awareness about these topics through a poster campaign. We have a monthly newsletter, do subscribe!


Women are a minority in the Mathematics community. The causes for this are manifold and include implicit and explicit biases, cultural traditions and stereotypes, all of which result in women often facing adversities in their academic careers that men do not. We believe this need not, and should not, be the case. The mathematics community should ensure that its women researchers feel supported in their work, encouraging them to continue to pursue academic careers, and should attract more women to apply for research jobs. By setting up WOMAT, an association of women mathematicians, we hope to pave the way towards a more inclusive community of mathematicians region-wide. ICMAT, and specially the Gender Committee, is fully supportive of this initiative which was founded by Makrina Agaoglou and Patricia Contreras Tejada.

What is WOMAT for?

  • Stimulating communication and interaction between women working in mathematics in Madrid
  • Providing a welcoming space for women to discuss the issues that affect them as female mathematicians
  • Promoting equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women in the Mathematics community
  • Attracting women to apply for research jobs
  • Raising awareness in the mathematics community about gender (in)equality, and more generally about non-academic issues that affect the mathematics community such as diversity and inclusion, mental health, and workers’ rights


If you want to learn our news and our upcoming activities don’t forget to follow us on our facebook page and subscribe to our newsletter!

Who runs WOMAT?

Lucía Martín Merchán, Elena Di Iorio and  Makrina Agaoglou. Ágata Timón and Laura Moreno Iraola are the link with the Gender Commission.