School II (06-10/05/2019):


  1. Speaker: Magdalena Musat, U. Copenhagen, Denmark
    Title: Infinite dimensional phenomena in the analysis of quantum information theory.

  2. Speaker: Ion Nechita, U. Toulouse, France
    Title: Applications of random matrices to quantum information theory.

  3. Speaker: Vern Paulsen, U. Waterloo, Canada
    Title: Operator algebras and nonlocal games.


Workshop II (13-17/05/2019):


Invited talks

  • I. Bardet: "Equivariant maps and their application to entanglement detection"
  • M. Junge: "Geometry and time to equilibrium"
  • B. Kraus: "Entanglement and symmetries of multipartite systems"
  • L. Lami: "Universal gaps for XOR games from estimates on tensor norm ratios"
  • M. Mosonyi: "Divergence radii and classical-quantum channel coding"
  • A. Müller-Hermes: "Schmidt number techniques for entanglement breaking indices"
  • M. Navascués: "Connector tensor networks: scalable witnesses for entanglement and nonlocality"
  • I. Nechita: "Quantum de Finetti theorems and Reznick's Positivstellensatz"
  • I. Todorov: "Non-commutative graph parameters and zero-error capacity bounds"
  • I. Villanueva: "Classical versus quantum communication in XOR games"
  • A. Winter: "Non-commutative graphs"


Contributed talks

  • A. Amr: "Bell Violations by Non-Signaling Probability Distributions"
  • A. Balmaseda: "Control of Quantum Systems through their boundaries"
  • A. Bluhm: "Compatibility of quantum measurements and inclusion constants for free spectrahedra"
  • A. Capel: "Stability for the data-processing inequality of the Belavkin-Staszewski relative entropy"
  • J. Cuesta: "Are almost-symmetries almost linear?"
  • M. Englbrecht: "Entanglement of stabilizer states"
  • P. Ganesan: "Quantum Majorization"
  • C. González-Guillén: "On the spectral gap of random quantum channels"
  • T. Kohler: "Complete Toy Models of Holographic Duality between Local Hamiltonians"
  • A. Kubicki: "Communication Scenarios in Quantum XOR Games"
  • N. LaRacuente: "Relating Complementarity, Entanglement and Uncertainty"
  • H. Li: "Complete Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities and Ricci Curvature"
  • M. Mori: "Isometries between projection lattices of von Neumann algebras"
  • M. Rahaman: "Eventually entanglement breaking maps"
  • R. Sengupta: "On the equivalence of separability and extendability of quantum states"
  • D. Trillo: "Central polynomials to manipulate the time of quantum systems"
  • J. Wu: "Order zero maps and noncommutative dimensions"