4-Jan-2016. La Voz de Galicia reports V. J. García-Garrido, A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins and C. Mendoza results on the debris search of flight MH370.

15-Dec-2015. Jezabel Curbelo, associate member of the SW Lab, receives the Donald Turcotte award

26-Nov-2015. ICMAT blog at Madri+d reports V. J. García-Garrido, A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins and C. Mendoza results on the debris search of flight MH370

25-Nov-2015. El Español reports V. J. García-Garrido, A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins and C. Mendoza results on the debris search of flight MH370.

25-Nov-2015. The European Geosciences Union reports V. J. García-Garrido, A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins and C. Mendoza results on the debris search of flight MH370

29-Oct-2015. Jezabel Curbelo, receives the Vicent Casselles award and is interviewed by the Agencia Sinc.

26-Oct-2015. Welcome Coumba Niang who visits ICMAT in a collaboration Framework between CSIC and Fundación Mujeres por Africa.

2-Jul-2015. Congratulations to Jezabel Curbelo for her distinction by the Nonlinear Geophysics Focus Group of the American Geophysical Union with the 2015 Donald L. Turcotte Award.

10-Jun-2015. Congratulations to Jezabel Curbelo for her distinction with the “Vicent Caselles” award on Mathematical Research by RSME-Fundación BBVA.

14-Dec-2014. Ana M Mancho, coordinator of the SW Lab, interview at GeoCast Away 45’48”

3-Dec-2014. Ana M Mancho, is interviewed at 24h program by Radio Nacional de España. 30’25’

26-Nov-2014. Congratulations to Jezabel Curbelo who moves to the Laboratorie de Geologie de Lyon as postdoc

15-Aug-2014. J. Curbelo’s article ‘Mujeres matemáticas en primera línea’ published in El Mundo newspaper

31-March-2014. Welcome Víctor-José Garcia-Garrido who starts his position as Severo-Ochoa postdoc at SW Lab

18 and 24 Feb-2014. J. Curbelo and A. M. Mancho results on plate tectonics highligted by the Sinc Agency and Aragon investiga

13-Jan-2014. Welcome Carlos Lopesino and Francisco Balibrea who start as Severo-Ochoa PhD students at SW Lab

1-Oct-2013. A. M. Mancho’s article ‘La Tierra, un sistema de Fluidos’ in the Special Report Mathematics of the Planet Earth published by Investigación y Ciencia

9-Aug-2012. La Voz de Galicia and Europa Press report A. M. Mancho and A. de la Cámara results on transport on the Antarctic Polar Vortex

19-Jul-2013. Stephen Wiggins, chair of the SW Lab, interview (II part) by Ágata Timón.

18-Jul-2013. Stephen Wiggins, chair of the SW Lab, interview (I part) by Ágata Timón.

18-Jul-2012. A. M. Mancho interviewed at Siglo XXI program by Radio Nacional de España 3 36’30’’

14-Jul-2012. A. M. Mancho and A. de la Cámara interviewed at Adelantos program by Onda Regional de Murcia.