
The research term "Quantum Information Theory", 9 September - 18 October 2019, intends to be a discussion period where researchers can share their new ideas and advances in the field and newcomers can learn the goals, techniques and challenges around quantum technologies.




Registration & fees

It is necessary to register for all the activities you wish to attend through the Registration menu. Once you have sent the registration request you will receive a confirmation email. In case the activity you want to attend has a registration fee, you will also receive via emai the link to proceed with the payment (by bank transfer or by credit card). Payment can be made at any time up to the corresponding registration deadline.

The Workshop "Entangle This IV: Chaos, Order and Qubits" has a registration fee of 100€ (includes coffee breaks and conference dinner).

The Conference "Quantum Simulation and Computation (QSC2019)" has a registration fee of 150€ (includes coffee breaks and conference dinner).

Focus Weeks do not have registration fee, but do not forget to register.

Important dates

  • Registration deadline for grant applications: 31 May 2019. (Extended until 15 June 2019)
  • Registration deadline for Entangle This IV: 1 September 2019.
  • Registration deadline for QSC 2019: 6 October 2019.
  • Focus Weeks no deadline, but registration compulsory.

Speakers list

Antonio Acín
Dorit Aharonov
Alberto Amo
Vijay Balasubramanian
Maricarmen Bañuls
Sergio Boixo
Fernando Brandao
Sergey Bravyi
Jop Briet
Anne Broadbent
Harry Buhrman
Pasquale Calabrese
Matthias Christandl
Toby Cubitt
Gemma de las Cuevas
Frank Deppe
Eleni Diamanti
Jerome Dubail
Jens Eisert
David Elkouss
Tilman Esslinger
Glen Evenbly
Omar Fawzi
Paul Fendley
Stefan Fillip
Pol Forn Díaz
Hrant Gharibyan
Nicolas Gisin
David Gosset
Cornelius Hempel
Jonathan Home
Lev Ioffe
Stacey Jeffery
Stephen Jordan
Iordanis Kerenidis

Robert Koenig
Barbara Kraus
Cécilia Lancien
Debbie Leung
Anthony Leverrier
Angelo Lucia
Andreas Ludwig
Miguel Ángel Martín-Delgado
John Martinis
Ashley Montanaro
Cristiane de Morais
Bruno Nachtergaele
Yoshiko Ogata
Jonathan Oppenheim
Guido Pagano
Kyriakos Papadodimas
Renato Renner
Marcos Rigol
Philipp Schindler
Norbert Schuch
Ritam Sinha
Florian Speelman
Christoph Sünderhauf
Luca Tagliacozzo
Tadashi Takayanagi
Kristan Temme
Erik Tonni
Lieven Vandersypen
Andreas Wallraff
Frank Wilhelm-Mauch
Andreas Winter
Michael Wolf
Amanda Young